Anonymous Posting (200)

140 Name: Hi my name is Stupid Hed :( : 2005-12-05 20:07 ID:wuRwpyBx [Del]

I have nothing to add.

Personally, I like people to name themselves. I like knowing who's been around awhile, and who's just passing through. I like knowing someone is awesome or an idiot. I also like knowing how many people are around, and how often they post. The latter two things are, admittedly, personal interest. I like knowing whether I'm seeing action from the same four or five people, or if there are dozens of people contributing. I like knowing if the comment in thread A is by the same guy that commented in thread B.

Names help me know what's going on. It's not vital, but it helps me understand the how things work, and what the situations are.

I can live without it, but I prefer not to.

I keep a name so, well, people know that yes, this is the same guy doing <Activity>. Part of it is egotism, I like when people say "Oh that Stupid Hed is a clever sort, I like him". I also do want to be accountable for what I do to some degree: "Will you stop posting that crap, Stupid Hed?" Me posting to this thread will likely serve as examples of both.

I suppose it can be argued I want to be known. Both for feeling like a big man, and so people can more easily call me out when I really do live up to my name. In the end, it strikes me as being more socialable.

Also, I admit coming from forced registration forums, so some of it may well be simple habit and being accustomed to it on my part.

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