Futaba Channel - English Nagivator (142)

1 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-03 05:40 ID:y7Sj88FK (Replies) [Del]

I have decided to start a new thread about this.
Please refer to http://wakaba.c3.cx/soc/kareha.pl/1098713558/10- for now.
As soon as I have found a place to upload the most recent version, I will post the URL here.

So far the changes from 0.2 I made:

  • Added all the new image boards that were added since
  • Replaced the right frame with some sort of dislaimer and translation notes
  • Some insignificant changes of the spelling / formatting

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-03 08:27 ID:F5Hzt4BF (Replies) [Del]

You can always get your own 100webspace account and get to swear at them when they go down or act stupid!

3 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-03 09:00 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


I guess, but reason I am not doing is this is also because I want to wait for a response by the original author and whether he's okay with my modifications.

4 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-03 10:38 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

A little teaser, since I am fascinated by this thing:
Ultimative power for the Japanese legasthenics!

5 Name: Ordinary K!3GqYIJ3Obs 2005-02-03 13:33 ID:mcbfwakn (Replies) [Del]

I heartily endorse this update. Posted to my site: http://www.bluethree.us/futaba.zip

6 Name: 1 2005-02-03 14:11 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


Thanks, very nice.

If anyone has any suggestions considering this thing, feel free to post them here.

7 Name: shii 2005-02-04 21:41 ID:Jm6fshB3 (Replies) [Del]

why is it in a zip file?



8 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-05 00:03 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


9 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-05 04:14 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


I dunno, I like to keep an offline version for use.
But this is cool, too.
Did you change anything? You could change the name for /g/:

10 Name: shii 2005-02-05 16:31 ID:MzSxvl01 (Replies) [Del]

i fixed some mistranslations, e.g.
Electric Waves-->Denpa (it's a type of music)
Yaoi - Burly-->Bears (Gay) (the word yaoi isn't in the title)
:%s/Reverse World/Flip Side/g
also I standardized the character encoding

11 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-02-05 16:52 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

> ASCII-->SJIS art

I'll change that back.


12 Name: shii 2005-02-06 00:57 ID:MzSxvl01 (Replies) [Del]

i did your mom in the pooper

13 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-02-06 09:14 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

http://www1.ryucom.ne.jp/papa/asciiart.htm ↓文字(text) 絵(art)の分類
                       , -==、_∠ニ _- ̄ ‐-、
                       ,. -‐/       \ ̄  ヽ、
          --――- _    /  /     |    ヽ \  ヽ
       /          `ー 、/ィ´/  !    ト、   ヽ  ヽ ∧
       /          _ ィ ス::. ヽ /  ∧ ト、  ! ヽ 、__ l ! ∨ !
      /   、    , ィ'_´,.ィ´  ヽ:::.ヽ //,.乂=く  ヽ ヽ ̄7ヽl ! l l∧ 私達はJISの2バイトですよねー
    { :.   ヾ、-、/__,.ノ〉  r 、_l::::::!/ ′ ヽ `ー-`ヽヽ/ j∧ l !l i  アハハ、2chの文字絵は
    ∧ :::.  .::::〉'` __  ̄´   ` ーl::::!j  ,,==ミ、   ,z=ミ、 l |// |  アスキーアート(aa)ではなく
   / ∧:::: |.::::/ -r'てハ`     ,z=、 !/∧ ″    ,      ゙ jィ∧ l l  JISアート(JISA)でしょう
.  / / />!:::l  ´ !:っ'ソ    lし! |,イヘ| / / / ,. ‐- ァ / / / レイ!イ/  アスキーアート(AA)はアメリカ
  / ,'  ,' ! ヘヽ{   ´ ̄     、ヒリ レハ|!l   /-‐ ̄ 二ニヽ /_ノ川  の文字絵ですよねー。
. /     ヽ 'ー  / / /     ′//!ノ |/lヽ、/    -―= くイ l l ∧!  (2ちゃんねるは日本の文字絵)
/       `Tヽ_    ,〜 -‐ァ /    レ'/     -‐ , ‐´l ,イ/  携帯の文字もs_JISですよねー。
       .:::/   ヽ、 `ー‐ '´/     r'‐ 、  ,. -‐'´「/ハ/レ/   半角とはJIS文字のことですよねー。
     .::/ /       ヽ‐- ´|   , ‐- / ̄ヽヽ,イ   ,.-┴r‐r,‐-- 、
    .:::/ !  _    ヽ_:::::::l  /  /    ヽ〉7 l ヌ / //  / ヽ
    .:::i  |     ̄ ̄  ト::::::! / ! /    /__ヽ∠ /// /    !

14 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-02-06 09:14 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

      __,,,,,‐‐--‐,,   /,.‐‐...,,,}     ) v,
     {    _,.‐-''''`´~     `''-‐‐ノ ノ,)
     __{   /               =´-‐、
  、-'''´ { /   /     ,  、    、   , ・ i
   ヽ   {|   |  |  }   }  !  ヽ ヽ \`i
    ヽ  /{{   {   }  }   }   }  }  }  } )
     ヽ/ { {  |   }..,/ノ  ノ|  }_  }  }  ノ
     /  { ヽ }./ノ...ノ::/ノ ノ.ノ'ノ__ソ ノノノ
     //  |ヽヽノ‐ =/:~;;,`    /:~;:`´-´-''´
    //  | /⌒ ´{:;;,,;;:}     {;,;::} /{ {
    //  | |i ( ヽ  `''-''     、`'''' } {{
   /./  | | `・‐'、  ```  --‐' `` /  {{
   /./  | |  |  \    '、/  /|   {{  <--美奈子はAAでーす♪
  / /  | |  |  |  ヽ、   /  |  {  日本独自の馬鹿は大城(bigbaka)でーす。
  / /  | |  .|   |    `'i'´ |   |  { アスキーアート(AA)はアメリカの文字絵というのは。
 / /  | |___|,..‐-'''\    {'''-‐‐...,,,,|___  {精神異常者のbigbaka大城だけでーす。
./ /  / ̄ヽヽヽ    \   ~ヽ    /// \{
/ / /       ヽヽヽ   \   ヽ  ///   }{

15 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-02-06 09:15 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


>ですので、日本の掲示板にAscii Artは表示できます。
>アメリカの掲示板にSJIS Artはふつう、表示できません。

1) http://www.chris.com/ascii/
2) http://www.arkworld.com/ascii/

>アメリカの掲示板にSJIS Artはふつう、表示できません→bakaの妄想珍論


16 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-07 03:06 ID:SNJ9hp4L (Replies) [Del]


17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-08 11:00 ID:VpQ1+b4i (Replies) [Del]

19 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-08 11:00 ID:VpQ1+b4i (Replies) [Del]

I mean on the futaba english interface

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