4chan's new boards (27)

1 Name: anon!pA1UE1eGto 2005-01-29 19:59 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

moot steals things.

Case in point: 4chan's new board, /x/, the old /p/, is our /r/. Oh, the DRAMA!

The new /p/ is nice, like cityscapes but with less Albright.
And /ic/? Ehh.

9 Name: anon!pA1UE1eGto 2005-01-30 18:29 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


I was, if you hadn't noticed, being sarcastic.

10 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-30 19:28 ID:IBHFn53v (Replies) [Del]

actually it's more of a DQN and News4VIP rivalry...

11 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-01-30 19:59 ID:vUgA4LU8 (Replies) [Del]


It's not rivalry, it's WAR! With tanks and everything!

12 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-01-30 22:10 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

Where do I sign up for a free tank? I want to go roaring down the highway too.

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13 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 2005-02-01 13:05 ID:rfxPIZEl (Replies) [Del]

/ic/ was added after the last user Q&A thingy in #4chan; I don't remember why /x/ exists, but I'm pretty sure the only reason iss something to do with making a less shitty-meme-filled /b/.

14 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-01 13:20 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]


As a mod you should know it got created because your admin wanted more high-res pics of mountains on /p/

15 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-17 13:30 ID:oFVaJULT (Replies) [Del]

あひゃひゃひや!!!!!!( ̄□ ̄;)!!

16 Name: Tank 2005-02-21 10:24 ID:Qxb5VGBo (Replies) [Del]


17 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 2005-02-27 03:20 ID:Heaven [Del]

zomg /x is gone

18 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-19 01:59 ID:F6slt3L+ [Del]

WTSnacks is full of AIDS. - /b/

19 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-24 16:41 ID:haSKJwjY [Del]

still, the new boards are down every now and then (apparently the whole thing is down right now...)

20 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-24 16:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

You gotta admit that 4chan IS huge now.
I wish the mod team as well the user base would relax a bit more, though.

21 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-24 17:08 ID:J8uXGw8c [Del]

Yeah, trolls do stuff to aggravate the mods. Less moderation, less trolling.

22 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-24 17:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

But people also need to learn to just learn trolls slide by. Sage when you just have to reply, don't encourage them by taking them serious, and don't troll as a mod, either.

23 Name: Shadow 2005-04-02 21:08 ID:98luCG20 [Del]

there's only rivalry because a few people are a bunch of faggots with maggots for dicks.

24 Post deleted by user.

25 Name: Anonymous 2005-04-02 21:14 ID:Heaven [Del]

There's always a few people who are a bunch of faggots with maggots for dicks - everywhere. It's how you deal with them that matters.

26 Post deleted by moderator.

27 Post deleted by moderator.

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