Tripcode decoder (696)

467 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-06 17:32 ID:Heaven [Del]

No, really. They're not much different at all.

The differences between C# and VB are merely social and syntactical, and current development is continually narrowing the gap between the two. They're both garbage collected, VM managed, can interoperate with OS components and load external libraries just the same, and they even compile to the same bytecode. Essentially, every language construct available in VB is also available in C#, just with different syntax (and vice versa). The only real differences are whether you want to write End If, Exit While, and Select Case, or the more terse }, break, and switch (and for the close braces, I bet if you have a bunch of } } } } together, you're probably going to comment at least one of them anyway to keep from going cross-eyed), and whether you want to be associated with code monkeys who just write CRUD apps (VB) or with bandwagon hoppers who want to try out the flavor-of-the-week (C#).

I have been programming for a number of years, and can write substantial amounts of code (i.e. not some first-year-student "hi what's your name" nonsense) in about 20 languages, including Perl, Java, Haskell, Forth, Fortran, and 6502 assembly. Thanks for playing, though.

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