IMG Board Scripts (502)

91 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-03 13:16 ID:AxcUmPh3 [Del]

I'd not bother with futaba except for feeling nostalgic towards it, and having seen people whine about MySQL being too difficult for them... and most of the image board software I see in English is heaps of files and multiple conf edits and all sorts of TrevorSaba type bullshit that actually makes editing several scripts and ftp'ing several folders and visiting them with a browser simpler by comparison.

I consider Wakaba/Kareha far superior to anything like this I've seen in PHP, but I've had webhosts who didn't even have Perl installed, so I needed something for my boards.

tl,dr: It's a hobby, it's fun, and I like sharing it with anyone who likes it. I don't see any of the innovative personages here coming up with anything better than all the scripts they say suck, but if they do, I'll be enthusiastic about their stuff too.

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