IMG Board Scripts (502)

156 Name: Eleo!EhVtXXdTd6 : 2008-09-18 19:29 ID:0VFXXHxl [Del]

I've recently made alibi source code public.

I don't know how familiar any of you are with EleoChan but it's a not-extremely-popular imageboard that uses a tagging system instead of traditional boards. It's different in a lot of ways but the same in others. It was originally written in Ruby on Rails but I've ported it to a similar framework called Merb.

The port was actually more like a complete rewrite. As such it's only 80% complete. However, it runs, you can make posts and such, edit them, delete them, and what not. Some of the features are pretty nice if I do say so myself. There are missing features like an error messages for failed posts. I plan to keep working on it eventually but right now I'm busy a lot with school.

The reason for the release is to get my name out there, see if anyone else can add any features, and lastly because EleoChan is soon closing for a variety of reasons.

I'm going to guess that most of you are completely unfamiliar with Ruby, Rails, Merb, Git, GitHub, or the necessary things to get it running on your host (presumably a VPS) such as Mongrel or Phusion Passenger. In my own head, this is a good thing, to prevent a dozen sites on cheapass Dreamhost accounts popping up everywhere. Anyone smart enough to get it running is free to use it. If I had to give one a quick tutorial on how to get it running locally:

  1. install ruby for your OS
  2. install the gems listed in the INSTALL file

2a. There's probably some gems not listed in that that you'll have to install, you'll find out what they are when you try no. 3 and you get exceptions.
3. run the app locally with "merb" in the alibi directory and fool around with the app at localhost:4000 HOPE YOU KNOW HOW TO USE GIT

This is the second time I've done this.

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