IMG Board Scripts (502)

152 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-18 09:52 ID:LoRM0ge8 [Del]


i agree the post form is messy/dont look quite right... its a sort of jumble instead of a neat little stack atm.

not sure what you mean about the browser width thing..

im not likely to do 2ch/futaba style tripcodes or sage/noko in the email field - i can see what you mean about making input simpler for new users but i always found these things to be unintuitive. there is a sort of cuteness appeal there, but it just doesnt that much sense - what if you want to give an email (on a few boards i have actually seen people using the email field for that lol) but also want to sage or noko, or what if you want to sage and noko (i have wanted to before). the whole "sage as an attack against the op" thing is kindoff depressing to.

about forking...well you may be right, but i want to try it out. it is configurable anyway.

thanks for the input, i do appreciate it.

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