English Image Boards (854)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-10-23 17:07 ID:pKZskDww [Del]

Post links to English-language image boards here. To start off, here are the usual suspects:

http://www.iichan.net/ - DEAD DEAD DEAD
http://www.4chan.org/ - The original English-language board.
http://www.0chan.net/w/ - The Switzerland of image boards.
http://www.5chan.net/ - lol furries

Post more, unless they prefer to stay secret.

632 Name: Misanthrope!!SluLncao : 2009-01-29 05:28 ID:xnVOzlyj [Del]



633 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-29 06:16 ID:Heaven [Del]

Is that spam, or just someone who is very lost?

634 Name: 【スパーキー(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田!AZWpeumso.!!eJGCM4nm : 2009-01-29 06:54 ID:yYuMM/Kv [Del]


the category mode is found on the public futaba script and they got a del.php

635 Name: 【スパーキー(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田!AZWpeumso.!!eJGCM4nm : 2009-01-30 06:09 ID:yYuMM/Kv [Del]

i was correct
The WORSE part of the Internets is the English Speaking Internet


636 Name: LiteralKa!!UIR4DE3n : 2009-01-30 06:17 ID:Heaven [Del]


637 Name: Ikitsumatatsu!OK1.IKItSU : 2009-01-30 07:44 ID:Heaven [Del]


No, the "worse" part is DQN.

638 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-30 11:55 ID:drFdq5Nh [Del]

The worse part of the internet is to population 14 and younger, >>635 for example.

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640 Name: LiteralKa!!UIR4DE3n : 2009-02-02 05:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

Wah! (I suggest adding "[URL" to spam.txt

641 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-02 06:46 ID:Heaven [Del]

Well, spam.txt already has an entry for both </a> and [/url]. but for some reason it operates per-line instead of just checking the whole post at once.

Dunno why waha hasn't banned that particular url, though, or at least deleted >>596,639...

642 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-02 20:45 ID:MGW1Ykel [Del]

643 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-03 12:20 ID:Heaven [Del]

Needs more boards.

644 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-04 04:25 ID:xnVOzlyj [Del]


>now with no child porn

Why would anon visit it now?

645 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-05 01:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

Also with no way to post.

646 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-05 14:03 ID:Heaven [Del]

how do you think he did the

> no child porn

part? you think it'd stay that way if people could post?

647 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-05 21:18 ID:MGW1Ykel [Del]

anon accounts required. the board is tightly moderated for quality.

648 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-05 23:44 ID:Heaven [Del]

you fail at moderating.

649 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-05 23:46 ID:MGW1Ykel [Del]


cp ->

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651 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-06 11:52 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>648 almost makes me want to sign up and flood the board with cp, except for the whole having to possess it first, and also because i just don't possess the retard-genes needed in order to do so.

652 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-06 14:03 ID:Heaven [Del]

i'm sure there are a lot of people on /b/ who have the necessary cp and retard genes...

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654 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-19 07:46 ID:cKvG0P50 [Del]

I'm here because I'm going to start a Chan and am thinking of using wakaba as foundation.

I'm not letting out any real info on it yet though. Still might not happen, we'll see.

655 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-20 12:33 ID:BifKk79M [Del]


An imageboard for the sega genesis basic compiler BasiEgaXorz.

656 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-20 18:54 ID:Heaven [Del]

People still use BASIC?

657 Name: Anonymous : 2009-02-21 16:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

People still care about the Sega Genesis?

658 Name: KAPNOzPj : 2009-02-26 12:43 ID:Bzgc+CYM [Del]

Hi! XVdmwc

659 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-01 15:44 ID:Heaven [Del]

Hello! Let's be friends.

660 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-03 11:05 ID:t9vp3HGI [Del]

Hi. Here's another: http://1024chan.org.

We're however trying to be creative and adding features like recent posts and board search, making our channel a nice place :)

Tell us how to improve, /soc/.

661 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-03 11:38 ID:Heaven [Del]

> Tell us how to improve, /soc/.

stop using that shitty script.

662 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-03 11:50 ID:t9vp3HGI [Del]


Besides that?

663 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-03 13:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

>We're however trying to be creative and adding features like recent posts and board search, making our channel a nice place :)

Neither of those are original. Most of the boards there are unoriginal as well.

664 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-03 14:07 ID:Heaven [Del]

>creative features
>google search

Wait what?

665 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-03 14:45 ID:Heaven [Del]

<cynical unconstrucive comment>

666 Name: 【スパーキー(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田!AZWpeumso.!!eJGCM4nm : 2009-03-04 06:58 ID:yYuMM/Kv [Del]


try some Japanese futaba script accessories



you can download 四葉の芽画像&動画掲示板/文字&動画掲示板スクリプト [full name]
and get some ideas and features from it


667 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-04 10:10 ID:Heaven [Del]

Having a long and annoying wapanese name isn't making your script anymore appealing.

668 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-04 23:46 ID:Heaven [Del]


Sorry, but I really don't understand japanese. :) We're going to build our own search engine, it's easy to do with kusaba.

669 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-05 15:17 ID:Heaven [Del]

as is usually the case with php, it seems easy but your code is probably actually broken in some obscure way that will take years to debug.

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671 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-07 08:49 ID:Heaven [Del]

I've seen these scripts on various wapanese imageboards. I'd trust them before anything by sparky :\

672 Name: gkcgkff : 2009-03-07 16:52 ID:v73Zwwp3 [Del]


673 Name: gkcgkff : 2009-03-07 16:52 ID:v73Zwwp3 [Del]


674 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-10 06:06 ID:yYuMM/Kv [Del]


all functions from gchan are removed.

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677 Name: 【スパーキー(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田!AZWpeumso.!!eJGCM4nm : 2009-03-11 07:13 ID:yYuMM/Kv [Del]

All gchan fuctions are removed from 四葉の芽スクリプト,
to respect the people who wrote them.



did you block <plaintext> html code?

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680 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-03-11 11:24 ID:Heaven [Del]


This leaves you wide open to XSS attacks. Posting something like this will mess up your board:

<object></object><a style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:1000px;height:1000px" onmouseover="document.location='http://www.google.com/'">Test</a>

You either have to stop all HTML, or you have to parse it by hand and pick out only the parts that are safe, which is very hard to get right.

681 Name: Makoto!!QPpGvuVX : 2009-03-11 17:23 ID:Heaven [Del]


ugh PHP is such a shitpile

Using extract() on a superglobal (especially superglobals which contain untrusted user input, like $_POST or $_GET) is extremely dumb. If you're going to do it, at least set the extract_type value to EXTR_SKIP or something so it doesn't overwrite existing variables with the same name.

Like >>680 said, if you're going to settle with sanitized HTML as markup, your best bet is to run $com though htmlspecialchars() and then reconvert safe tags back to their original value. Still, it'll probably be in your best interest to use a lightweight markup language instead, like Textile or Markdown.

682 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-12 04:32 ID:Heaven [Del]

Oh, living crap, learn how to do it right.
Actually just don't write a single line of code for the web until you have read and understood the entirety of this page -- http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Then, and only then, should you think about implementing your own input sanitizer. And even at that point, don't do it, because other people have already solved the problem much better than you can.

683 Name: 【スパーキー(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田!AZWpeumso.!!eJGCM4nm : 2009-03-12 06:24 ID:yYuMM/Kv [Del]

any time gchan anytime ^^

because you improved the futaba script ^^
you earned my respect!

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687 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-13 06:22 ID:NkJINcOs [Del]

That's not improving it at all... (See >>680)

688 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-03-13 19:29 ID:Heaven [Del]


You can easily get around that by adding spaces around the "=".

The point is, it's nearly impossible to stop people from abusing HTML posting. There is pretty much always some trick you can use to get around simple word filters. You really do need to run htmlspecialchars() on all user input, or it will never be secure. If you want to add youtube embedding, you're going to have to make some way to generate the HTML code yourself, and not let a user input it.

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692 Name: Makoto!!QPpGvuVX : 2009-03-13 21:01 ID:Heaven [Del]


See >>681 >>680 and >>682


> If you want to add youtube embedding, you're going to have to make some way to generate the HTML code yourself, and not let a user input it.


There's many ways it could be done. You could add an extra input field in the post form for youtube URLs, which can be parsed with the rest of the post. Just make sure the URL isn't malformed and points to an actual youtube video, and from that point you can nest the URL in whatever HTML you feel like to display it.

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696 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-13 22:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

Let's all take Microsoft's example on security practices, it seems to work really well(!)

697 Name: gchan : 2009-03-13 23:21 ID:4SPiyhp2 [Del]



Webmaster, please delete the article on me who passes the time limit and cannot delete it.

I might think, and the maximum means of defense be

$allowhost = array ( ". Jp", ". Bbtec.net");

698 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2009-03-14 09:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

699 Name: gchan : 2009-03-18 01:10 ID:4SPiyhp2 [Del]

multi-way translation site:





:80 :8080 ポート以外の匿名プロキシを使われる危険性。


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704 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-10 08:13 ID:Heaven [Del]

With? If you want help with something you're going to have to be more specific than that.

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706 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-12 16:46 ID:Heaven [Del]

Hey!!! Look!!! Spam.

707 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-13 05:09 ID:Heaven [Del]


She wants help setting up another kusaba site with 1000+ boards that nobody will ever visit.

Your site depresses the shit out of me.

708 Name: 34 : 2009-05-19 18:22 ID:WC9HvJU7 [Del]


709 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-23 18:59 ID:Heaven [Del]

Oh it was a Kusaba site? Never mind then. I'd rather do something better with my time.

710 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-08 19:43 ID:l1uS4zVv [Del]

Decent chan with a few original boards that I'll link to. /ap/ is NSFW. /m/ has some decent songs on it.


711 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-19 12:45 ID:Heaven [Del]

There's a big difference between original and stupid.

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713 Name: taco : 2009-07-15 18:54 ID:SPW79IpA [Del]

Give mr some cp webs

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717 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-15 19:44 ID:Heaven [Del]

718 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-16 07:45 ID:YOZu3H6y [Del]

719 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-18 06:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

What is with you people making these terribly designed boards these days?

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721 Name: sddffg : 2009-08-05 02:36 ID:LsxQpjCr [Del]

aLa lng poh?????????????????

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723 Name: none : 2009-08-16 13:52 ID:nwh7tunT [Del]

724 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-24 11:16 ID:Heaven [Del]

Ahh Thorn!

This is pretty nostalgic.

725 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-27 06:57 ID:pcFtOqkJ [Del]

726 Name: lokka : 2009-08-27 16:47 ID:z56gNI0E [Del]

727 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-31 21:37 ID:LppQR1u/ [Del]

728 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-01 17:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

That's not an image board, you idiot.

729 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-02 01:20 ID:Heaven [Del]

730 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-02 20:22 ID:l1uS4zVv [Del]

731 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-03 13:02 ID:Heaven [Del]


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